
Things to Think about

I believe five out of four people have trouble with fractions.
If quitters never win, and winners never quit, who came up with, "Quit while you're ahead?"
What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men?
Why not modern Latin: VENI, VEDI, VISA - I came, I saw, I shopped.
If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS.
Strange! No one ever says "It's only a game," when their team is winning.
Isn't Disney World a people trap operated by a mouse?


The Quist Family said...

FYI: I say "It's only a game" when I am winning...which, of course, is more often than not.

Nate and Chelsea said...

Hey guys! I hope you are having a happy holiday season. TJ, we need to talk bro. It has been way too long. My phone broke, and because I had sprint without a sim card, I lost all my phone numbers. Call me (808-372-8309), email me (natecall@gmail.com) or leave a comment on our blog with your number so we can talk. Take care.

Unknown said...

I love this especially the mouse part mostly because it makes me think of us and how crazy we get at work thinking of ourselves as giant sized rodents!! ahha thanks for the laughs though

Marc said...

Alright, I've thought enough about these things. Time for a new post.