
Season Finale!

As I mentioned about a month ago, Emily and I are pretty "hard core" and "devoted" Prison Break fans. Every Monday night for the last few months, we have been glued to the TV. for at least an hour watching the nail-biting episodes. Last night was the Season Finale, and they finally broke out of Sona. The show ended with just enough foreshadowing I can't wait for the next season. For those of you that aren't up-to-date, I won't spoil the ending. With Prison Break out of the way, Em and I can start having FHE. Just kidding, well kind of. Don't you hate how some of these shows can completely take over your life? You start rearranging your schedule just so you can make time for the shows, but they are just so good, you can't miss them! Does anyone else have this problem?


Melissa said...

Well I am glad that you are atleast thinking about FHE. I think spending time together is good enough- some weeks that is better than what we can manage. We should get together sometime- now that Prison Break is over!!

Marc said...

My honest opinion is that it's a bit pathetic...being so completely wrapped up in a silly TV show.

But maybe that's just me.

Marc said...

Kidding, of course. LOST rules. Love you guys.

Unknown said...

em don't worry we all know you really do have fhe!!! haha

The Quist Family said...

Okay TJ, really? I am glad you guys are on the path back to righteousness.